Thursday, November 26, 2009

The New Digs....Literally!!!!

Well, we made it to the Ozarks. It was a terrible move, literally, everything that could have gone wrong did, but I'm trying to stay positive. So, here's pictures of our new house. The house itself is awesome! It's perfect for us. It just so happens to be right in the middle of a construction site, there are no phone lines, no internet lines and NO CABLE!!! I kid you not when I say that my kids spent 20 minutes yesterday staring outside of my bedroom window because there was a bulldozer 5 feet away from my window. I'll post some inside pics once we are more settled.

here's the front and lots and lots red clay...

the front again....

here's the mound of clay to the right.......

here's to our left.....

here's our view from the front this!

1 comment:

  1. The house is very cute!!! two car garage!!! Wowweee. Did you buy down there?
